The Dead Zone / Мъртвата зона

Based on characters from the novel, "The Dead Zone" by Stephen King.


Държава: САЩ
Година: 2002 - ????
Жанр: Драма / Фантастика / Мистерия
Език: Английски
Времетраене: 42 мин.(преблизително на епизод)
Актьори: Anthony Michael Hall / Nicole de Boer / Chris Bruno / John L. Adams / David Ogden Stiers

Джони Смит е водил идеален живот в малкото си градче. Работещ като учител, Джони изпитва голямо удоволствие да разкрива на младите си ученици чудесата на природата. Той е също така наскоро сгоден за Сара, колежка учителка,
която той познава още от детството си. Смит е син на овдовялата си майка, която живее наблизо. Животът му е перфектен... или поне почти перфектен. Докато ужасен фатален инцидент става причина за изпадането му в няколкогодишна кома...


" Имах идеален живот, докато не изпаднах в кома за 6 години. Когато се събудих разбрах, че годеницата ми се е омъжила за друг. И те отглеждат синът ми. Всичко се е променило, включително и аз. С едно докосване виждам неща,
неща които са се случили или ще се случат, трябва да видите това, което виждам аз."


Six years later, Johnny finally regains consciousness and discovers that the life he once knew is gone. His mother has passed away, and Sarah has gone on to marry someone else - and the child she and her husband, the local sheriff,
are now raising is Johnny's son. But Johnny himself is also not the same person he once was: he now finds himself in possession of amazing psychic powers which allow him to see into the lives of anyone he touches. Before he even leaves the hospital,
he helps save the life of a nurse's daughter after having a miraculous vision, in which he sees the young girl trapped in the middle of a raging house fire. Now, as Johnny attempts to reacquaint himself with a life he has been away from for six long years,
he must also begin a quest to come to terms with his new abilities - abilities that may turn out to be both a blessing and a curse. Helping Johnny make a fresh start are his physical trainer Bruce, who also becomes a close friend; his mother's minister, Gene Purdy,
who sets up a trust fund for Johnny but may not be looking out for Johnny's best interests; and Sarah, who must find a way to make Johnny a part of her life again without risking her relationship with her husband and son.


"The Dead Zone" stands out as one of the better shows on Television today. The acting, especially by Anthony Michael Hall is completely belieavable and dramatic, sucking you into his life and his pains as he see disturbing images of the future and past.
This show sometimes gets gory with the images of blood, death, etc. However, it isn't too hard to watch and the amount of blood stays reasonable. The script doesn't stand out as much as the other features. It's still relatively solid, but has some flaws concerning the
love between Sara and Johnny, making it a bit too cliche and corny. Sometimes, the script also loses sight of the episode and eventually just spins out to human drama. Other flaws include the occassional boring episode or Hall's performance as Johnny sometimes falls flat.
The special effects though, are amazing. When Johnny touches someone and sees the past or future, the editing and the effects quickly change to show what happened or what's going to happen. It's amazing to see it work, everything builds together so well and the effects of murder,
or the entire area being frozen with Johnny walking through is spectacular."


Информация за сериала:


Връзки към епизодите:

Epizodes seazon 1:__________________|Epizodes seazon 2:_________________|Epizodes seazon 2:
01. Wheel of Fortune ( 06/16/02 )..............|01. Valley of the Shadows ( 01/05/03 )....|16. The Hunt ( 07/27/03 )
02. What it Seems ( 06/23/02 )..................|02. Descent ( 01/12/03 )..........................|17. The Mountain ( 08/03/03 )
03. Quality of Life ( 06/30/02 )....................|03. Ascent ( 01/19/03 )............................|18. The Combination ( 08/10/03 )
04. Enigma ( 07/07/02 )..............................|04. The Outslider ( 02/02/03 )..................|19. Visions ( 08/17/03 )
05. Unreasonable Doubt ( 07/14/02 ).........|05. Precipitate ( 02/09/03 )......................|Можете да свалите сезона от:
06. The House ( 07/21/02 ).........................|06. Scars ( 02/16/03 )..............................|@ btjunkie
07. Enemy Mind ( 07/28/02 ).......................|07. Misbegotten ( 02/23/03 )...................|
08. Netherworld ( 08/04/02 )......................|08. Cabin Pressure ( 03/02/03 )...............|
09. The Siege ( 08/11/02 )..........................|09. The Man Who Never Was ( 03/09/03 )|
10. Here There Be Monsters ( 08/18/02 )...|10. Dead Men Tell Tales ( 03/16/03 )........|
11. Dinner With Dana ( 08/25/02 )..............|11. Playing God ( 03/30/03 )....................|
12. Shaman ( 09/08/02 ).............................|12. Zion ( 04/06/03 )................................|
13. Destiny ( 09/15/02 )..............................|13. Playing God ( 07/06/03 )....................|
Можете да свалите сезона от:_________|14. Plague ( 07/13/03 )...........................|
@ mininova / @ btjunkie............................|15. Deja Voodoo ( 07/20/03 )....................|

Epizodes seazon 3:______________________|Epizodes seazon 4:
01. Finding Rachel, Part One ( 06/06/04 )...........|01. Broken Circle ( 06/12/05 )
02. Finding Rachel, Part Two ( 06/13/04 )...........|02. The Collector ( 06/19/05 )
03. Collision ( 06/20/04 ).....................................|03. Double Vision ( 06/26/05 )
04. Cold Hard Truth ( 06/27/04 ).........................|04. Still Life ( 07/10/05 )
05. Total Awareness ( 07/04/04 ).......................|05. Heroes & Demons ( 07/17/05 )
06. No Questions Asked ( 07/18/04 )..................|06. The Last Goodbye ( 07/24/05 )
07. Looking Glass ( 07/25/04 )............................|07. Grains of Sand ( 07/31/05 )
08. Speak Now ( 08/01/04 )................................|08. Vanguard (08/07/05)
09. Cycle of Violence ( 08/08/04 ).......................|09. Babble On (08/14/05)
10. Instinct ( 08/15/04 )......................................|10. Coming Home (08/21/05)
11. Shadows ( 08/22/04 )...................................|11. Saved (08/28/05)
12. The Tipping Point ( 08/22/04 )......................|12. A Very Dead Zone Christmas (12/04/05)
Можете да свалите сезона от:_____________|Можете да свалите сезона от:
@ btjunkie..........................................................|@ btjunkie

А можете и да пробвате тук - @ find-bg или да се пировите тук -

За всички епизоди от 1-ви до 4-ти сезон има субтитри в ( turnokopa / StraightEse / Boygenius / Ivo / Bad Mojo / bongo2199 / Butterfly1 / Zealot / martineliazz / borka8 )

Epizodes seazon 5:__________Връзки към субтитри за ДВДрипа:
01 - Forbidden Fruit ...................Субтитри ( bongo2199 )
02 - Independence Day .............Субтитри ( bongo2199 )
03 - Panic ...................................Субтитри ( bongo2199 )
04 - Articles of Faith ...................Субтитри ( bongo2199 )
05 - The Inside Man ...................Субтитри ( StraightEse )
06 - Lotto Fever .........................Субтитри ( StraightEse )
07 - Symmetry ............................Субтитри ( StraightEse )
08 - Vortex .................................Субтитри ( StraightEse )
09 - Revelations .........................Субтитри ( StraightEse )
10 - Into the Heart of Darkness .Субтитри ( StraightEse )
11 - The Hunting Party ...............Субтитри ( StraightEse )
Можете да свалите сезона от:_-@

Epizodes seazon 6:_Връзки към епизодите и събтитрите:
6x01 - Heritage ..........: @ - Субтитри ( StraightEse )
6x02 - Ego .................: @ - Субтитри ( StraightEse )
6x03 - Reentry ...........: @ - Субтитри ( StraightEse )
6x04 - Big Top ............: @ - Субтитри ( StraightEse )
6x05 - Interred ..........: @ - Субтитри ( StraightEse )
6x06 - Switch .............: @ - Субтитри ( StraightEse )
6x07 - Numb ..............: @ - Субтитри ( StraightEse )
6x08 - Outcome ..........: @ - Субтитри ( StraightEse )
6x09 - Transgression .: @ - Субтитри ( StraightEse )
6x10 - Drift .................: @ - Субтитри ( StraightEse )
6x11 - Exile ................: @ - Субтитри ( StraightEse )
6x12 - Ambush............: @ - Субтитри ( StraightEse )
6x13 - Denouement....: @ - Субтитри ( StraightEse ) {Season Finale}

The Dead Zone Seazon 6 [ BG Subs ]

Първоначалната ми идея беше да пусна нова тема като продължение на старата само за 5-ти и 6-ти сезон,но се оказа че имам повече свободно време и реших да направя темя за целия сериал,защото старата беше малко разпиляна.Събрал съм повечето
информация от другата тма и съм дал връзки към буквичките и самите епизоди. Надявам се да съм олеснил максимално почитателите на сериала.И само да уточня аз не превеждам сериала просто съм му почитател, в момента се излъчва 6-тия сезон който се превежда от StraightEse.